Services Hero


Designated Doctor Administrative Support

Our administrative staff and medical technicians will work strenuously to provide efficient and prompt services to our clients. As an administrative service company, our medical staff will be responsible for:

  • Schedule the examinee with the physicians availability
  • Organize medical records in bookmarked tabs and provide a medical record summary (contact us for sample documents)
  • Provide physical examination forms to complete a thorough exam
  • Assist in the calculation of impairment ratings with accurate support and data
  • Offer transcription or dictation services to generate examination reports
  • Distribute final reports to all parties
  • Manage all communication
  • Handle billing and collecting
  • Maintain fully equipped exam sites throughout Texas
  • Provide a bilingual certified technician for assistance and witness to exam
  • Schedule additional diagnostic testing
  • Arrange air travel
  • Reimburse mileage and travel expenses

In addition to the services we provide, we pride ourselves on being a trusted expert resource for our physicians when they have questions and concerns regarding the Designated Doctor process and decison making. We understand that it is important to protect the reputation that our Designated Doctors have worked hard to build.

Impairment Rating Referrals

We are looking to establish relationships with physicians, clinics and the insurance market currently in the Workers’ Compensation Network who may benefit from the availability of outside resources in obtaining the necessary and maximum medical improvement and impairment rating evaluations.

Our organization provides a network of certified physicians throughout the state of Texas who will use their expertise to complete a comprehensive report for the referring party. Our company will manage exam sites and provide medical equipment needed to complete these evaluations.

Treating Physicians and Clinics

Insurance Carrier and Injured Employee Representative